sebab renyah sangat nak itu-ini kat facebook, so better aku update kat sini ajer.
These are among the pictures i manage to cilok from my fwens' facebook.
Seriously aku memang merangkak nak guna facebook a.k.a fb every now and then.
aku tak reti nak grab, so aku copy ajer and upload kat sini.
blog aku, sukati aku lah kan....
These are among the pictures i manage to cilok from my fwens' facebook.
Seriously aku memang merangkak nak guna facebook a.k.a fb every now and then.
aku tak reti nak grab, so aku copy ajer and upload kat sini.
blog aku, sukati aku lah kan....
(credit: Jiah's fb)
balik kerja aku terus lepak CONVEST HILL
(credit: Ja's fb)

Terserempak dengan dia masa tengah cari hadiah kat Convest Hill.
(credit: Aziz's fb)

terjumpa masa tengah busy dengan photography session with my best frens Tiya, Hani and Dayah kat depan CAC
(credit: tiya's fb)

Jiah, Jihah, Ja, Hani, Dayah, Fatiya, Ajiz, Wak, Hassan,
and to all graduates of IIUM the last 10-12 October 2009:
berjaya jugak korang ikut jejak langkah aku yang hensem neh..heheh
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